Co-Stars: Yves Montand, Frankie Vaughan, Tony Randall
Marilyn's Character: Amanda Dell
Director: George Cukor
Synopsis: A billionaire investigating a play poking fun at him auditions for the role of himself when he falls head over heels for the star of the show (Marilyn).

Although Marilyn didn't like the script, she agreed to do Let's Make Love in an effort to complete her obligations to Fox. Yves Montand as her co-star was Marilyn's idea, and it wasn't long before rumours of an affair began.

My Heart Belongs to Daddy - Hear a clip! WAV - REAL AUDIO
Let's Make Love
Incurably Romantic(duet)

The old Monroe dynamism is lacking in the things she is given to do by the cliche-clogged script... ~The New York Times
In the acting department, Miss Monroe is not as impressive as in comedy-type roles. ~Hollywood Citizen News
Miss Monroe, basically a first-rate comedienne, doesn't have a single bright line. ~New York Daily Mirror
Academy Awards:
Best Music and Scoring of a Musical Picture
British Academy Awards:
Best Film from any source
Best Foreign Actor (Yves Montand)