Co-Stars: Jane Russell, Charles Coburn
Marilyn's Character: Lorelei Lee
Director: Howard Hawks
Synopsis: A gold-digging cabaret singer (Marilyn) and her best friend fall into trouble and eventualy into love on a voyage to France.

Marilyn found out she had landed the role of Lorelei, orignally slated for Betty Grable, on her 26th birthday. Marilyn performed big musical numbers for the first time in this film, and her version of "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" is one of Marilyn's most memorable moments on film. She also had the opportunity to show off her wonderful comic timing in this film. Still under a starlet's contract though, Marilyn made far less than her co-star Jane Russell.

Two Little Girls From Little Rock (duet) - Hear a clip! MPEG - REAL AUDIO
Bye Bye Baby (duet) - Hear a clip! WAV - REAL AUDIO
When Love Goes Wrong (duet) - Hear a clip! REAL AUDIO
Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend - Hear a clip! WAV - MPEG - REAL AUDIO

And there is Marilyn Monroe! Zounds, boys, what a personality this one is! Send up a happy flare ~Los Angeles Examiner
As usual, Miss Monroe looks as though she would glow in the dark, and her version of the baby-faced blonde whose eyes open for diamonds and close for kisses is always amusing as well as alluring ~New York Herald Tribune
As Lorelei Lee, Marilyn looks as delectable as a ripe peach. She also surprises with a remarkably stylish voice piping "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" in a lavish production number. ~Los Angeles Citizen News